Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What are the Common Mistakes of New Managers?

A leadership guide featuring step-by-step how-tos, Wall Street Journal stories and video interviews with CEOs.
  • Tips

    • Demonstrate to subordinates your ability to get things done.
    • Nurture a strong sense of common commitment to shared goals.
    • Focus on building a team, not on friendship.
Adapted from “The Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray, published by Harper Business.
What are the common mistakes of new managers? Good management has been thoroughly studied and is widely understood, but it is still more honored in its breach than in its practice. Most new managers, in particular, get it wrong.
Harvard Business School Professor Linda Hill studies those who become managers for the first time, and writes perceptively about some of the common myths and misperceptions that lead to mistakes in their early days. Among them:
Myth 1: Managers wield significant authority.
New managers were often standouts in their previous jobs, and as such, enjoyed a fair degree of independence and autonomy of action. With a new job and title, they expect to feel more authority.
Well, surprise! Most new managers report they are shocked by how constrained they feel.
“They are enmeshed in a web of relationships,” writes Ms. Hill in a 2007 Harvard Business article called “Becoming the Boss.” “Not only with subordinates, but also with bosses, peers, and others inside and outside the organization, all of whom make relentless and often conflicting demands on them. The resulting daily routine is pressured, hectic and fragmented.”
She quotes one new leader saying: “Becoming a manager is not about becoming a boss. It’s about becoming a hostage.”
Until new managers give up on the myth of authority, and recognize the need to negotiate their way through a web of interdependencies, they are likely to face frustration and failure.
Myth 2: Authority flows from the manager’s position.
New managers frequently think that what authority they have is conferred by their title. But in fact, writes Ms. Hill, “new managers soon learn that when direct reports are told to do something, they don’t necessarily respond. In fact, the more talented the subordinate, the less likely she is to simply follow orders.”
Over time, good managers find they must earn their subordinates’ respect and trust in order to exercise significant authority. They need to demonstrate to subordinates their own character, their competence, and their ability to get things done before those subordinates are likely to follow their lead.
Myth 3: Managers must control their direct reports.
New managers, insecure in their roles, often seek absolute compliance to orders from their subordinates, particularly in their early days.
But what they learn over time is that “compliance” is not the same as “commitment.”
“If people aren’t committed, they don’t take the initiative,” writes Ms. Hill. “And if subordinates aren’t taking the initiative, the manager can’t delegate effectively.
The challenge for managers is to nurture a strong sense of common commitment to shared goals – rather than one of blind allegiance to the managers’ dictates.
Myth 4: Managers must focus on forging good individual relationships.
Ms. Hill says managers need to focus not on friendship, but on building a team.
“When new managers focus solely on one-on-one relationships, they neglect a fundamental aspect of effective leadership: harness the collective power of the group to improve individual performance and commitment,” she writes. “By shaping team culture – the group’s norms and values – a leader can unleash the problem-solving prowess of the diverse talents that make up the team.”
Myth 5: The manager’s job is to ensure things run smoothly.
Keeping an operation running smoothly is a difficult task, and can absorb all of a new manager’s time and energy. But if that’s all the manager does, writes Ms. Hill, he or she is making a big mistake.
“New managers also need to realize they are responsible for recommending and initiating changes that will enhance their groups’ performance,” she writes. “Often – and it comes as a surprise to most – this means challenging organizational processes or structures that exist above and beyond their area of formal authority. Only when they understand this part of the job will they begin to address seriously their leadership responsibilities.”

Monday, July 29, 2013

"Success Points" Outlined

The Texas Association of Community Colleges has posted its summary of the 2013 Regular Session. It's a very useful document, and will be cited often in subsequent TCCTA blog posts and Messenger articles on a variety of subjects. The full report is available here in pdf format.

Of particular interest to community college faculty members is the plan by lawmakers to implement a regimen of "outcomes-based" funding. Absent a seismic change in future Sessions, the new policy represents the paradigm of the future. So far the amount of revenue at stake is (eventually) ten percent of the instructional formula, which is based now completely on prior student enrollments and associated program costs.
For background, including a list of the enacted Success Points, please see this previous post.
One question asked frequently by teachers is how the Points will translate into dollars. The information provided below provides some tentative answers, taken verbatim from the TACC report. (The charts listed refer to the full document and can be located easily by scrolling to the cited page. SB 1 is the official appropriation bill for 2013.)

Two key items to keep in mind: (1) This is the beginning of a long process, which presumably will address the "what ifs" that spring up inevitably with so many prospective variables. (2) As usual, the Coordinating Board will occupy a prominent position regarding details and further input.
Here is the language from the TACC report:

Student Success Points
  • The Student Success appropriation for the 2014-15 biennium is $172 million; 10 percent of the instructional funds appropriated to community colleges (after first deducting the core amount).
  • The distribution of the 2014-15 Student Success appropriation is based on the three year average (FY10-11-12) of student success points for each college district (detail by college in chart on page 7). The appropriation was determined by taking the total amount appropriated for student success points ($172 million) and dividing by the total number of student success points (929,188) to derive a dollar amount per point ($185). The funding for each college district was determined by multiplying the number of points for each institution by $185.
  • The student success points model (see chart below) details the points college districts can earn based on a system that recognizes student achievement along a continuum from successful completion of college readiness courses to intermediate success measures (e.g., pass 1st college math course) to successful outcome metrics (e.g., degree awarded; transfer to university).   
  • The 2014-15 Student Success appropriation should be viewed as a starting point for incorporating performance funding into the community college instructional appropriation.   
Rider #23 in SB 1 requires a new methodology for student success points allocation in the 2016-17 biennium:

“The Public Community/Junior Colleges and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall jointly develop recommendations for an allocation system for student success points for the 2016‐17 biennium.

The allocation system should allocate funds to college districts for improvement in student achievement.

The allocation system shall be developed in a manner that compares the performance of the college district to itself using the allocation for student success points in the 2014­‐15 biennium as the baseline for comparison.   

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall report these recommendations to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor no later than August 1, 2014."

Coordinating Board Review Published

The Sunset Advisory Commission has published its review of the Coordinating Board, including a summary of 2013 legislative action on its recommendations. State agencies must undergo Sunset review every 12 years. If the Legislature doesn't act, the agency dies.
The Board was granted another 12 years by lawmakers, but the report contains some interesting criticisms, some of which resulted in statutory change in the recent Regular Session. Here's the link, in pdf format. The report is also a good overview of what the Coordinating Board does. Sometimes teachers are only vaguely aware of its scope and function.
It's a long document that is worth perusal. One of the Commission's chief recommendations (number one in fact) is particularly interesting. Below is the recommendation, followed by a summary of legislative action in response.

Issue 1
The Governing Board’s Limited Stakeholder Input and Experience Hinder Its Ability to Coordinate Texas’ Higher Education Community.
Despite the agency’s large overall effort to obtain stakeholder feedback, the governing board itself receives little direct stakeholder and public input. Together with the agency’s isolated approach to decision making, stakeholders lack clear means to provide direct feedback or offer varying perspectives related to major decisions before the Board. Clear mechanisms to provide direct public comment to the Board, and having advisory committees report their recommendation directly to the Board would improve stakeholder buy-in and make the agency’s coordination efforts more effective.
The Board’s structure would also benefit from requirements for higher education experience to aid in navigating the complexities of, and to independently direct, state higher education policy. Improvements in the oversight and use of advisory committees, along with increased transparency and controls in funding allocation methodologies, would also improve the Coordinating Board’s ability to effectively coordinate Texas’ higher education community.

Key Recommendations
  • Require one-third of the members of the Board to have experience in the field of higher education. l Require the Coordinating Board to provide opportunities for public comment at each board meeting.
  • Require the Coordinating Board to ensure its advisory committees report recommendations directly to the Board and to consider restructuring the use of its advisory committees.
  • Require the Coordinating Board to strengthen its internal controls for allocating financial aid funding and ensure stakeholder input by adopting allocation methodologies in rule.
Final Results on Issue 1 (July 2013)
Legislative Action — S.B. 215
Recommendation 1.1 — The Legislature did not adopt the provision to require one-third of the members of the Board to have experience in the field of higher education governance or administration.
Recommendation 1.2 — Senate Bill 215 requires the Coordinating Board to provide opportunities for public comment as an agenda item for each board meeting.
Recommendation 1.3 — The bill requires the Coordinating Board to adopt rules for its use of advisory committees, ensuring the committees meet standard structure and operating criteria, and report recommendations directly to the Board.
Recommendation 1.4 — The Legislature modified the provision to require the Coordinating Board to strengthen its internal controls for allocating funds and ensure stakeholder input by requiring the Coordinating Board to adopt allocation methodologies in rule for both financial aid and other trusteed funds.


Three Big Ideas for Designing Innovations to Work at Scale

The New Mathways Project is designing innovations and initiatives for scale from the get-go.

The issue

In our work to improve higher education as in other domains, it’s not enough just to innovate.
Campuses across the country are littered with the failed remnants of excellent innovative projects that died because there was never genuine buy in, real financial and institutional support, or a hospitable policy environment. Even those pilots that survive the end of a grant or an administrative initiative typically remain small and are not often replicated elsewhere. The problem, of course, is that pilots—even those with clear evidence of success—rarely, if ever, replace the long-established structures they are designed to improve.
But to move that elusive achievement needle—for a college, a state, our nation—change at scale is what matters: Improvements must benefit the vast majority of our students.
Unfortunately, our pursuit of scale rarely has a clear road map—more often, it feels like a search for gold at the end of the rainbow. Scholar Archibald Cochrane wryly observed that scaling innovations was like working in a crematorium: So much goes in, and so very little comes out.
Scaling up a promising innovation is difficult under any circumstances. In higher education, it is especially challenging because of decentralized decision-making, antiquated incentive systems, and increasingly unpredictable funding challenges.
Given these inherent complications, it’s arguable that the basic premise of “scaling up”—that one starts with small pilot projects, and then grows the numbers of colleges or individuals served—is untenable. An alternative might be to work at scale.

The context

Currently, the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, in partnership with the Texas Association of Community Colleges, is developing a new approach to developmental mathematics education known as the New Mathways Project (NMP).
In this work, we are pioneering three integrated strategies to work at scale from the beginning—first in Texas. Below, I outline the three big ideas that inform our work to design innovations and initiatives for scale from the get-go.

The big ideas

1. Design the innovation for scale.
Let me illustrate this strategy with a story about Thomas Edison and his invention of the electric light bulb as chronicled by a 2001 study from Hargadon and Douglas. In the late 1800s, gas light was in fashion. It offered yellow, flickering, dim light of about 12 watts. It required a lampshade to protect it from drafts that might blow it out, and it posed a fire danger. Engineers piped gas under the roads and into homes and offices. The utility companies that produced gas had monopoly power in the market and exerted their influence to generate a favorable regulatory environment for themselves. A fleet of lamplighters and utility workers existed to maintain and service gas lights.
Edison’s genius lay not only in his technological advances to provide cleaner, cheaper, safer light, but also in his recognition that simply making available rational improvements to the existing lighting system was no guarantee that this reform would achieve broad acceptance. He understood that such innovations confront a complex society with established norms and cultures, ways of working and labor forces, formal regulations, and informal ways of doing things. Understanding how this context could help—or hinder—the spread of his innovation led him to adapt the innovation to seamlessly integrate into 1880s life.
To wit: He dimmed his bulbs to just 13 watts, and he covered his electric lights with lampshades, not because electric lights were at risk from drafts, but so that they were indistinguishable from gas lights. Rather than running his power lines above the roads—which he knew was more technologically efficient—he ran them under the roads to take advantage of the existing labor force and to operate within existing gas regulations so that new regulation would not be necessary for electricity. In sum, in rolling out the new bulbs, he designed for scale from the beginning by looking at the whole system and minimizing the cost of the transition in terms of financial costs and human-effort expenditures. He identified the non-vital elements of his design to adapt (for example, lamp shades), and he adapted them in ways that allowed him to make modifications to improve technical efficiency over time (for example, power lines now run above the street).
Edison’s principle of designing for scale has informed the New Mathways Project in a number of ways, including our approach to course approval, transfer credit, and advising. The NMP offers a faster, more rigorous, more contextualized approach to developmental mathematics; it aligns gateway mathematics courses to the skills students need to be successful in their programs of study.
One specific example of how the NMP design has evolved to enable scale from the outset is that it offers underprepared students a common first course for the NMP’s three different curricular pathways—statistics, quantitative reasoning, and STEM. This strategy addresses one of the project’s primary implementation challenges: getting the right student in the right path at the right time. A great many students have not identified a program of study when they start college, and very high student-advisor ratios rarely allow for the intensive support students need to make that choice. By creating a common starting point for the pathways and pairing the first mathematics course with a co-requisite student success course that includes explicit instruction on career exploration and degree planning, the NMP provides students with a highly supportive environment for a full semester, during which they can make an informed choice about their academic and career program and then select the math path aligned to that choice.
2. Design the initiative for scale.
Once one develops a promising innovation, the initiative to implement it at scale can sometimes fail to transfer the innovation from one institution to the next. While there are many reasons an innovation can fail to scale, one we see frequently in higher education is that the conditions under which pilot colleges succeed are often very different from the conditions experienced by other colleges that have been on the sidelines.
Conditions contributing to pilot success may include special grant funds to support the work, outside technical assistance, and the opportunity to define and “own” the development and implementation of the innovation. It is foolish to presume that new colleges will spontaneously begin scaling an innovation for which they do not have external funding, technical support, or opportunity to participate in development and implementation.
It is natural to initiate an innovation with small-scale pilots. Innovations bring uncertainty, and it is quite reasonable to expect that financial and human resources may limit how much new, high-intensity work can happen at a large number of colleges simultaneously. Yet innovations are more likely to scale if most of the target population is involved from the beginning. I posit that we can resolve this tension between resources available and numbers of stakeholders engaged by planting the seeds of scale at all target colleges from the outset, and by creating multiple levels of engagement that enable some colleges to work intensively from the start and others to ramp up engagement as evaluation data, stakeholder support, and resources become available.
Through the Dana Center’s partnership with the Texas Association of Community Colleges, all 50 community college districts in the state have signed on to participate in the NMP. Each college, through an application and enrollment process, selected their desired level of participation in the initiative among three tiered levels of engagement. We are working with nine co-development partners to create NMP courses and implementation resources that colleges will implement starting this fall (August 2013). A second group of colleges are choosing to participate as active learning sites; each will pair with co-development partners and begin implementing the courses (with support from the co-development colleges) in year two. Finally, the remaining Texas community colleges are choosing to engage as capacity-building sites and are laying the groundwork now (by hosting opportunities for faculty to begin learning about the NMP) for implementation to kick off in years three or four. Importantly, we structured the NMP initiative to enable all these Texas community colleges to provide input and feedback on the NMP resources now, as we develop them.
3. Seek permission to scale.
Institutions of higher education are, by design, multilevel systems with high degrees of autonomy at each level. Faculty own what happens in classrooms and are responsible for maintaining the integrity of their courses. Presidents ensure the institutional mission is carried out, and manage the institution’s operations and budgets. Trustees, advisors, legislators, state agency staff, and institutional researchers: Each has their own domain of authority and responsibility. And understandably, each tends to innovate within that domain. Thus, in higher education, one reason that we see so few innovations (especially classroom-level innovations) go to scale is that articulating action across this multitude of domains is enormously challenging.
In top-down approaches to scale, those who choose new innovations are often not the end users. Without shared ownership, innovations can become domesticated—that is, through lack of understanding, resources, or will to change, the innovation can lose the qualities intrinsic to its efficacy—so that practice barely changes at the street level. Alternatively, bottom-up approaches to scale rarely reach the power centers at other levels of the system to ensure broad support and accountability for institutional change. There are also a host of perceived barriers that may sound something like, “So and so would never let us do that.”
To address both real and perceived implementation challenges in the NMP, we are engaging all levels of the system in what we call cycles of mutual permission giving. We started by working at the state level with mathematics faculty, introducing the NMP concepts, gauging faculty interest, and soliciting feedback on who else in their systems we should involve and what else would need to happen to pull off change on the order of magnitude of the NMP.
We then talked to presidents and chief academic officers to convey the interest of their faculty and their suggestions for coordinated action at their levels. Knowing their faculty wouldn’t immediately revolt if they started exploring curriculum reform inspired presidents to explore the NMP further and put policy and resource considerations on the table for discussion. We then shared this information with the faculty. This kind of cycle led all 50 presidents and chancellors to agree to raise their Texas Association of Community College dues, providing seed money for the development of the NMP courses and implementation supports.
Notably, coordinating work across all levels of the system includes not only official system actors but the external players that further legitimize our professional action and define our professional identities, namely, our field’s major associations concerned with mathematics in two-and four-year institutions, community college advocacy networks, and developmental education associations. We need to ask these entities for their permission and invite them into the work. We have found that a willingness not to oppose the innovation is essential, but formal endorsements or partnerships are best.
Coda: Edison famously said, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” And so it is with scaling. Coming up with the idea, relatively speaking, is the easy part. Designing innovations for scale, designing initiatives for scale, and getting permission across levels of higher education ecosystems is the real work.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Avoid Ending Up on the Unemployment Line

We all know the economy is changing at warp speed. The ten jobs most in demand in 2010 did not exist in 2004. Even those who had the opportunity to align themselves with this new economy — recent college graduates — are finding it tough going. Some 9% of them are unemployed.
A college degree has long been considered the best insurance for avoiding the unemployment line. And while college graduates are still much more likely to have a job in his current economy than anyone else, a bachelor’s degree alone is no longer a guarantee of a job anymore.
Too many bachelor’s degrees recipients these days are coming out of college lacking the foundational skills needed to succeed in today’s fast-paced work environment.
In the last decade, traditional colleges have turned the latest hot career field into their newest major as a way to attract students: sustainability, gaming, homeland security, and sports management, among dozens of others. Indeed, since 2000, the overall number of majors on college campuses has grown by 21 percent, according to the U.S. Education Department.
But by narrowly tailoring degrees, colleges—and in turn their graduates—have shortchanged the valuable skills that employers seek: communication (writing and oral), creativity, adaptability, and critical thinking. In a survey released just today, half of hiring managers polled by the Society for Human Resource Management said this year’s college graduates lack basic English skills in grammar and spelling.
Many of these “hot” majors demand very little in terms of intense writing and reading. One study that tracked about 2,000 college students found that among those who graduated on time, half took fewer than five courses their entire college career that required at least 20 pages of writing in an entire semester.
If you’re considering college or still in college and want to stay off the unemployment line, keep the following suggestions in mind as you register for classes. Even if you have a degree or are thinking about going back to school, these tips should still be useful:
Rigor matters.
Take the toughest classes and focus on them in a rigorous way. Students who have the greatest gains in critical thinking in college are the ones who challenge themselves. Math and science majors, for instance, do well on measures of critical thinking because they spend the most hours studying.
Deep writing and reading matters, too.
Most students avoid classes that require lots of reading and writing. Don’t shy away from such assignments. Look for classes that require you to read more than forty pages a week or write more than twenty pages over the course of an entire semester. Such deep experiences writing and reading improve your reading comprehension and communications skills, both important markers for employers.
A chance to debate.
Seek out courses that give you an opportunity to engage in debates and constantly test your critical-thinking skills with peers and professors. In the workplace, you’ll need to persuade someone to come to your side or argue against bad ideas.
Seek a research project.
Look for opportunities either at work, in college, or internships to work on a team that is researching a solution to a problem. Such experiences give you a chance to practice the skills above, work in teams, and most of all, learn how to fail because often your first answer is not the final solution.
Photo by soukup/flickr
Sign up for updates on the book here and receive one of two free PDF companion guides, Making the College Decision or Colleges of the Future.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Raising Completion Rates in Education

My company, Pathbrite, spends a lot of time talking to leaders in schools, colleges and universities around the country. While the vast majority of educators are clearly focused on their educational mission — bringing an inspirational passion to their work year after year — they also confront an array of challenges.
Most public institutions will tell you money is their biggest problem. But beyond that, over the last year we’ve learned that three main issues plague American education: Student completion rates; return on learning investment; and job placement rates.
On the issue of completion rates alone, Rebecca Strauss, associate director of publications at the Council on Foreign Relations, writing in a recent New York Times blog post, says we’re falling far behind other developed nations:
America’s relative fall in educational attainment is striking in several dimensions. American baby boomers ages 55 to 64 rank first in their age group in high school completion and third in college completion after Israel and Canada. But jump ahead 30 years to millennials ages 25 to 34, and the United States slips to 10th in high school completion and 13th in college completion. America is one of only a handful of countries whose work force today has no more years of schooling than those who are retiring do.
In other words, she says, the United States is relatively good at getting high school graduates into college, but it is horrible at getting them to graduate on time with a college degree. Strauss wrote “With more than half of those who start college failing to earn a degree, the United States has the highest college dropout rate in the developed world.
These issues should be concerning to Americans for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is economic, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, and gets at the heart of return on learning investment:
Historically, broad educational gains have been the biggest driver of American economic success; hence the economist’s rule of thumb that an increase of one year in a country’s average schooling level corresponds to an increase of 3 to 4 percent in long-term economic growth.
It also matters in terms of job placement rates (or, conversely, unemployment rates) and earnings potential:
Holding a college degree matters for landing a good job. In 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, thirty- to thirty-four-year-olds who had only a high school diploma earned $638 per week, and their peers with bachelor's degrees earned $1,053.
The bottom line? If we can address the issues related to student completion rates, we also go a long way to address return on learning investment and job placement rates. So how do we address the problem of completion rates?
The nation’s schools, colleges and universities are looking at solutions such as our cloud-based e-Portfolio platform because of research that indicates portfolio learning is the best way to get at learning-by-doing – or applied learning – which leads to much deeper student engagement. Systems like ours also enable educators to tailor learning to each individual student’s abilities and natural inclinations. Educators are also better able to monitor a student’s progress in real time and intervene when a student shows signs of falling behind or becoming disengaged.
When students are engaged; when their own particular learning style is taken into account; when faculty consistently demonstrate investment in a student’s success; when the contemporary technologies students already use every day are leveraged, students are more focused and more motivated. With increased focus and motivation come improvements in college completion rates. And with improvements in completion rates, we will see improvements in job placement rates.
While student loans will always be onerous for young people just starting out, they’re much less so when an individual is earning at the peak of their potential, making the repayment of student loans more achievable.
Completion rates are an alarming issue and only exacerbate the problems of return on learning investment and job placement rates. But we can address the completion rate problem leveraging new, low-cost education technologies. We just need the focus and the will.

Monday, July 15, 2013

St. Pete College delving into online college readiness courses

CLEARWATER - A new online math tutoring program is exceeding enrollment expectations to such an extent in its first few weeks that professors at St. Petersburg College want to create more in time for the new school year this fall.

The free "Get Ready For College" math course has about 850 students from across Florida enrolled; many are hoping to avoid remedial classes at St. Petersburg College next year. The massive open online course, or MOOC, lets students work through online math lessons developed by SPC teachers at their own pace from anywhere in the world and grades practice tests to track their progress.

The program's popularity - hundreds signed up the first day - has encouraged the school to add reading and writing courses in the fall, said Jesse Coraggio, the college's associate vice president of institutional effectiveness, research and grants. College officials also are waiting to hear if they will receive a $300,000 grant from the Florida Department of Education that would help them create more courses in a shorter period of time. Word could come as soon as this week.

The online programs are aimed at students who have been away from school for a while and recent high school graduates who need to sharpen their math skills before starting college.

"Someone who graduated from high school three or four years ago may have been good at algebra at one point, but over time you loose those skills because you don't use them," Coraggio said. "This is an ideal solution for that kind of student coming back to school, because it gives them an opportunity to refresh their competencies before they have to take required placement tests to enroll in college.

"Likely, they'll do much better so they don't have to do remedial courses, they can go right into college-level coursework."

More than half of first-time college students at SPC are placed in remedial courses, and most struggle in math, Coraggio said. Remedial classes not only slow down graduation and rack up bigger tuition bills but also lower self esteem, which leads to more dropouts, he said. Once a student completes the Get Ready For College course with a 70 percent or higher on the final test, the student receives a certificate allowing him to retake the placement test and have another shot at getting into a college-level math class.

Because high school students also take the placement test in dual-enrollment classes, Coraggio is hoping to get more Pinellas County high school students involved and is developing a separate registration page for high schoolers to get more information about where they come from and what help they need. A handful is already taking the math class, he said. In fact, his daughter Sydney, a rising 10th-grader at St. Petersburg Collegiate High School, and her friends worked through practice runs of the program in its developmental stage before it launched in May.

"They actually enjoyed it, I think," Coraggio said. "They liked the format and that it didn't take too long to complete."

Pinellas County Schools is working with SPC to further develop the program for high school students, said Judith Vigue, the school district's director of advanced studies and academic excellence. Information about the MOOC will be provided to administrators, counselors and students this fall, so they can use it to prepare students for college readiness tests or use it for remedial work, she said.

A number of students enrolled in the math course are other college math professors looking to replicate the MOOC at their own schools, such as Valencia College in Orlando and Hillsborough Community College, Coraggio said. SPC is the first state college out of the 27 in Florida to offer a MOOC, he said.

Though schools such as Harvard University and the University of Florida have jumped on MOOC's as they've emerged over the last few years, most course offerings are on complex topics such as artificial intelligence and engineering. SPC's math course could be beneficial to anyone that needs a "refresher," Coraggio said.

When students first sign into the course, which usually takes a few weeks to complete, they're greeted with a video of communications professor Tony Smith, who assures them that they'll soon get the "confidence boost" they need for success. Students work through six modules covering everything from fractions and conversions to graphing, earning completion badges when they score a 90 percent or higher on the section's practice test. If they get stuck on a particular problem, guided instructional videos, notes and practice exercises help students work through it.

Right now, the whole project involves just 10 people, who each were paid about $1,000 for their efforts, but the demand is huge. At the University of Florida, which became the state's first university to offer MOOC's in March, there are five classes, such as instructor Wendell Porter's semester-long Global Sustainable Energy course, which at one point enrolled 22,000 students from as far away as Norway and Mozambique. Though students don't receive credit for the coursework, and most of the "grades" are just based on completion, the material is the same Porter presents to paying students, he said. It takes a lot of time and energy, but as legislators push for more online learning, Porter expects that the free courses will only grow over the next few years.

"In just one class, I'm teaching more students then I've ever taught in a classroom put together," said Porter, 57. "It's incredibly nerve-racking, but it's almost addictive to talk with them and read their posts.

"There are certainly benefits to staying in a classroom and building those face-to-face relationships, but the opportunities we have now with today's technologies are incredible. This is the future, and I don't want to be left behind."

Of course, the true impact of SPC's math program won't be felt until graduation day, when he's hoping to shake a lot more hands, Coraggio said.


(727) 215-9851


Monday, July 8, 2013

Teachers, medical students find tutoring not just for kids

BY JACKIE PILOSSOPH | Contributor July 5, 2013 12:52PM
Updated: July 8, 2013 9:10AM

Walking into the large, open loft that houses Winnetka based Loren Academic Services feels like walking into a comfortable living room.

Its exposed pipe and brick, huge skylights, and balloons hanging from the rafters makes it seem like anything but a classroom. It’s the look and feel that owner and founder of the curriculum design and academic services company, Loren Deutsch wanted.

“When we go into a traditional classroom, the chairs are all in rows,” said Deutsch, a professional educational therapist and a licensed clinical social worker, who started the business in 1994. “The loft is changeable and adaptive. It engages people and allows for discourse and discussion that you don’t see in a traditional classroom.”

Deutsch, who holds two master’s degrees in education and curriculum design, and social service administration, is a former high school teacher who taught at Anshe Emet Day School and at Harper High School, both in Chicago.

She said the jobs made her realize that some of the students’ academic needs weren’t being met in a traditional classroom setting, for reasons that included learning and neurological disorders, social and emotional difficulties and behavioral problems, and that she knew she didn’t have control as a teacher.
“I intuitively felt that if I could work one on one with my students, I would have greater success in helping them learn,” Deutsch said.

She spent the next six years working for the University of Chicago as a psychiatric social worker, and as the Director for the Academic Skills Assessment Program and the College Core Tutor program. It was during that time that Deutsch started a private practice for psychotherapy and educational therapy.

Loren Academic Services, which has been in the Winnetka location for 15 years is what Deutsch calls “the evolution” of her practice. The company offers tutoring for children from Kindergarten through grade 12, college students and graduate students of all levels. Each student receives a unique, personalized curriculum.
“We use an organic curriculum,” said Deutsch, who has lived in Winnetka with her husband, Jason Harris and their four children for 15 years. “We take a non-mechanistic approach. Every student gets a comprehensive plan with everything from learning objectives to measurable outcomes.”

Loren Academic also trains K-12 teachers, and has a special focus on medical students, residents and physicians pursuing continuing education.

“Most medical students are good at memorizing information, but when the material becomes more complex, and the volume increases, and they have limited time, the skill set that once served them well is no longer adequate,” said Deutsch, who still works at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine as a medical coach, providing one on one academic support to medical students and residents.

Dr. Alleda Mack is an internal medicine resident at Loyola University Medical Center, who saw Deutsch for educational and emotional counseling regularly for over 2 years during medical school.

“She’s warm and supportive, and she understands the multi-faceted nature and the hindrances of learning,” Mack said. “She helped me discover that I had a lot of anxiety and a lack of academic self-confidence at certain times.”

When asked what she enjoys most about her career, Deutsch said it’s seeing improvement in her students.

“My mission is to foster learning and a natural curiosity in all my students,” she said.

“She came to my graduation and we both cried,” said Mack. “I used to interpret things as ‘I’m not smart enough.’ Loren helped me deal with that and move past it.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Remediation If You Want It

June 5, 2013
Community college students in Florida will soon be able to decide to skip remediation and enroll directly in credit-bearing courses, even if college advisers or placement tests say they have remedial needs. And recent high school graduates in the state won’t even need to take placement tests, because they will be deemed college-ready by holding a high school diploma.
The shifts in Florida’s remedial education policies are part of a broad bill the state’s Legislature passed and Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last month. The legislation will have major ramifications for students at Florida’s 28 two-year colleges, and perhaps beyond.
“It may foreshadow many of the things that are about to happen around the country,” said Stan Jones, president of Complete College America, an advocacy group that supported the Florida bill.
Among other provisions, the bill, SB 1720, featured a loosening of a proposed cap on general education credit hours for the state’s public institutions, back to 36 credits from a proposed 30 credits. That aspect was popular with college leaders. The remedial policies, however, have generated some controversy.
Under the legislation, colleges by 2014 will no longer be able to require recent high school graduates to take the state’s standard placement test or to enroll in noncredit remedial courses. Active-duty members of the U.S. military will also be exempt.
That change builds on previous legislation and essentially pushes the responsibility for remediation back to the public K-12 system in the state. A 2011 Florida law made college placement testing mandatory for most 11th graders. High school students who don’t make the cut are required to take courses during their senior year that are designed to address remedial needs.
When they arrive at Florida community colleges, recent high school graduates will still be able to take placement tests or enroll in noncredit remedial courses. They just won’t have to.
This approach contradicts popular ideas held by community college leaders around the country. They include: Students don't do optional and often make the wrong choices about courses; many high school graduates are not ready for college-level work; and students who start credit-bearing courses without adequate preparation face long odds of graduating.
The legislation differentiates between these traditional-aged students and their adult peers, which Jones said is an important innovation in the remedial reform movement.
Adult students will not be exempt from placement tests. If they demonstrate that they need remediation, the colleges will now be required to offer them a choice between several developmental education options. Those choices will include so-called “co-requisite” courses in which remedial students get extra help or do additional work in traditional, credit-bearing courses alongside non-remedial students.
College advisers can recommend that students take particular remedial paths, including noncredit courses. For younger students who no longer take placement tests, advisers can make recommendations based on other academic indicators, like students’ high school GPA or performance on standardized tests like the SAT.
The final call on remediation, however, will be made by students themselves.
More Flexibility
Some critics say the remedial legislation in Florida challenges community colleges’ commitment to open access by allowing less-prepared students to choose a path that will probably lead to failure.
Kenneth Ross, vice president for academic and student services at Polk State College, said there is widespread concern among community college educators in the state that the law threatens the “open door” mission of the colleges.
Many students will still arrive with serious remedial needs, Ross said. And the colleges will no longer be able to require that those students take noncredit courses to prepare for college-level work.
“We can advise them that this is a good thing to do,” he said. “But we can’t require it.”
As a result, Ross worries that many unprepared students will wash out after jumping right into credit-bearing courses.
However, Ross said there are several positive aspects about the bill. It offers welcome flexibility in how to deliver remedial education, he said in a written statement, such as allowing students to work more at their own pace.
William D. Law, president of St. Petersburg College, agreed that colleges needed more freedom in how they approach remediation. In particular, Law said the fixed semester schedule is often not appropriate for developmental courses.
“We won that argument,” he said. “It could not have been more straitjacketed.”
Law said he is confident that his college can add new remedial options and improve current ones to help more students succeed. And while the legislation doesn’t provide any new money for those experiments, he and other college leaders in the state said they will make do.
The legislation doesn’t threaten colleges’ open-access commitment, Law said. But he said it does make that mission “more tenuous” by taking remedial judgments out of educators’ hands and telling students “you have to choose.”
Big Problem, Big State
Remediation is major stumbling block to college completion. Only about one in four students who place into noncredit remedial courses will earn a degree within eight years of enrolling.
Research has also found that widely used placement tests may be steering too many students toward remediation, including those who could succeed in college-level courses.
"The evidence is overwhelming that remediation isn't working" Jones said.
Roughly three-quarters of incoming students at Florida’s community colleges currently place into at least one remedial course. And about 200,000 students in the state took one of the courses last year, the Orlando Sentinel reported. So even incremental fixes to remediation could have a substantial impact on college completion rates in Florida, which is the nation’s fourth most populous state.
Florida is among several states that have recently attempted to improve remedial success rates through legislation, including Connecticut and Colorado.
Whether or not the new approach to remedial education works in Florida may well be determined by academic advising, said several officials in the state.
“We’re going to really need to ramp up our advising,” said Julie Alexander, vice chancellor for academic and student affairs at the Division of Florida Colleges of the state’s department of education.
Tom LoBasso agreed. LoBasso, who is Daytona State College’s chief operating officer and provost, said the college will need to build upon the success it has had with its academic support center, which is already “hopping.” That means adding advising, supplemental instruction and tutoring capacity.
“We’re going to make sure we’re doing everything we can do to make sure we’re not setting students up for failure,” he said.
Semantics will be important in student advising, said Law. That’s because it is not realistic to think that many students will take the “optional” remedial path. Instead, he hopes colleges will present remediation suggestions as part of a range of choices.
“Let’s not tell them they can opt out of something,” he said.

Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/06/05/florida-law-gives-students-and-colleges-flexibility-remediation#ixzz2XuIptKoG
Inside Higher Ed