I have taught calculus for many years, and I know most students don’t relish the idea of signing up for this class. But calculus is surely as integral to a good education as Shakespeare.
Calculus is required for many degrees — mathematics, actuarial science, physics, biology, computer science and engineering — to name a few. Some business and economics programs also require at least one semester. Because Harrisburg Area Community College has an open door, we serve a diverse population of students. It might take students many semesters to build the skills necessary to be ready for calculus.
Students often find the subject matter difficult, but allow me to relate the story of my fall 2010 class. There were 36 students enrolled in my course, which ran five days a week for 50 minutes a day.
After each class, at least six students would follow me to the conference room for an additional two-hour tutoring session. This was on top of the many study groups. After the Thanksgiving holiday, I noticed a decline in attendance, but I had two more chapters to finish in less than two weeks.
At that point, there were 33 students, whom I called fondly “my high-maintenance ducklings.” On Friday, before the last week of classes, I announced that there would be one more take-home assignment, which was a bonus assignment worth 14 points. However, they would not get points if they missed any class the last week.
On Monday, all 33 ducklings showed up. Fourteen bonus points were marching on. On Tuesday, a few started returning to old habits and showed up late. Nevertheless, all 33 ducklings showed up. Fourteen bonus points were marching on.
On Wednesday, all 33 ducklings showed up again. Some followed me to the calculus session. Fourteen bonus points were marching on. On Thursday, all 33 ducklings showed up. I took a picture and titled it “33 high-maintenance ducklings.” Some followed me to the calculus session and discussed the algebra intricacy in solving arc length and surface-area problems. Fourteen bonus points were marching on.
On Friday, all 33 ducklings showed up. I announced that the take home would not be collected. I could hear the gasps and whispers “What? She is not collecting the assignment? I worked so hard last night to get it done.”
I smiled benevolently, then distributed the solutions to the class and continued the last bit of lecture. I entertained the class with my favorite “Chow top 10s” and debuted the “Calculus pick-up lines in a bar.” A few ducklings clearly did not want class to end.
On Monday, all showed up for the final exam. I started at 8 a.m., an hour earlier than the scheduled time. All stayed till the end, including the best students. They didn’t want to give up.
When I finished grading the exams and adding up all the scores, not one duckling needed the bonus points to achieve their grade. These 33 high-maintenance ducklings had already earned the bonus points. If the ducklings did the math, 14 bonus points out of 1,000 wouldn’t make a dent in their grade anyway.
I don’t have a recipe for students succeeding in my math classes. They do it in the old-fashioned way — learn, practice, talk about it and write about it. Throughout the semester, they work together and peer-tutor one another. They cheer one another on. They also know that I care.
Now my ducklings have moved on with their academic journeys. Here’s a snapshot:
B moved on to pursue his engineering degree; L majored in biology and pursued her research interest in genetics; K continued her degree in math education to become a high school math teacher; B and K, study partners, continued their studies in architecture; C switched his major to pursue a career of being a politician; A, with self-confidence, continued to seek her degree in math education to become a middle school math teacher; B, a former business major, switched to major in math and seek a teaching career; S, a pharmacy major, transferred to a pharmacy college.
D moved from Pittsburgh and settled in central Pennsylvania and continued his studies at HACC; A, working quietly but acing all the tests, including the final exam, continued with a chemistry major; A, repeatedly aiming to get a B in the course after some false starts, earned one and continued to pursue his goal.
May is a month of graduations. I will be thinking of these ducklings who will proudly walk across the podium during the commencement to receive their diplomas.
Pauline Chow is a senior professor of mathematics and chairwoman of the department at HACC. She is writing a guest column through July.
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